Sunday, September 05, 2010

Swiss Days

Yesterday we got to go enjoy Swiss Days in Midway. Over the past years this has become somewhat of a tradition for us minus last year when we missed it. We got up there early in time for the parade and the kids loved it. Well at least the first 45 minutes of it before they got bored (the parade lasted over an hour and a half total). They got tons of candy and the twins thought it was awesome that everyone was waiving at them and they were waving back as fast as they could. Then it was time for Mom's favorite part, the shopping! There are always well over 100 vendors there with unique (mostly handmade) goods. We shopped and shopped and I scored myself a few things. I always love to get a jump start on Christmas shopping there as well but this year I only bought for me. :) I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for something to do on Labor Day weekend any year. So call me next year when it comes around and we'll all go together !

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