Thursday, September 20, 2012

School Days

So I am incredibly late on posting these but they are too funny and cute not to share. These are the pics I took of the first day of school for the boys this year. What handsome lads we have. Caleb is loving the 3rd grade and the twins can not get enough of preschool. They go 3 times a week and just eat it up. 

With school in session and the new house our schedules are hectic to say the least. MWF Mike drops off C at his school while I take the little's to theirs and Faith to the sitter. Then Mike take a lunch to pick up the little's and get them to the sitter's house. A few hours later, I am off work and pic up the little's and Faith from the sitter, then head over to pick up C from his school. Whew, that was exhausting just writing it.  It's not the ideal situation, but it is what it is right now and we are accommodating it. So glad they are loving it. It makes it a little less painful to see their faces and hear their stories when they are done each day.

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