Friday, March 01, 2013

Bag 'O Spike

We got a little more than we bargained for when picking up the twins from preschool today. Caleb went to the door to get them like normal on Fridays and pretty soon we saw his teacher walking toward the car. Once she got there she had a sad look on her face and said "I hate to tell you this but he cut his hair!" She then proceeded to hand me a Ziploc bag through the car window of one blond spike. 
His teacher thought we were going to be upset and told us in 35 years of teaching preschool, she has never had a kid cut their hair in class when they are supposed to be cutting paper. Mike and I weren't upset at all. All we could do was laugh. I guess it didn't really surprise us too much. Leave it to one of our kids to be their teacher's first.
And here he is at home later holding up his baggie full of spike. Oh Mr. Zaric! What are we going to do with this kid?


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