Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

I had another wonderful Mother's Day weekend here. It started on Friday when I went to pick up Faith and we met with goodies from the babysitter.
Then the boys all came home with cards and pictures they had made at school to make me feel special. It was too rainy to go out and about and do our errands and start on the yard work that we had planned on when Dad got home. Instead, we decided to call it a night in and ordered some pizza and Red-boxed a couple movies. It was perfect. Saturday Caleb's soccer game got cancelled so we hit the errands early and were able to scoop up the flowers for the yard (our annual tradition). It was supposed to rain some more, but after a few hours of waiting for it, we took our chances and got started with the planting. I'm happy to report that not only did we get the flowers all planted, but Mike also started a little project in the back yard of creating a designated sandbox area for the kids to dig. They adopted this corner for digging ever since we move in, so we thought it was fitting just to leave it that way for them. It was pretty chilly out there by then, so it really was a labor of love for him to get it done.
This year for my breakfast in bed for Mother's Day, Mike went the simple route with some oatmeal and toast. We had a good laugh about it. But seriously, I love oatmeal, so it wasn't a bad idea.
Then it was time to face the day. I got up and helped Mike finish up the sandbox and put the sand in and then I was off for my Mother's Day fun. I met a friend for lunch and shopping at the outlets in Lehi again. We had a great time and found lots of goodies. I came home with tons of new stuff for the kids and only a couple things for Mike, not sure how that happened. After we were done, we gathered up the men and kids and all went out for a nice dinner together at the Olive Garden. It was truly another awesome day. 
Thanks to my little family for showing me appreciation and love, as always. What would I do without you?

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