Another year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. At times it seemed like it would never pass and other times I don't know where it went. Instead of making resolutions, I take the time every year to spend this day going through memories of the last year and focusing on the positives that happened. So as I reflect this morning, I am again reminded of what a fortunate life I live to have the positives of each year always outweigh the negatives and to be fortunate enough to be able view my world in this way. So without further delay here's some of the highlights of my year:
Us: Michael and I celebrated both 16 years of marriage and him being promoted to CIO at his company over the summer. We have spent the past year playing with the kids, making memories, making new friends and hosting a few get-togethers. We've also spent time upgrading some features of our home, from redecorating the twins' room, to replacing light fixtures, furniture and appliances. We survived Mike's first year as a board member for the youth football league and being in charge of the apparel design, order and delivery. We've also been taking more advantage of the kids getting older by finding more time and opportunities to go on dates, make time for each other and have more fun.
The kids: The kids celebrated turning 13, 8 and 5 with awesome parties, family and friends. We had our first child enter Jr. High, the twins move on to 3rd grade and Faith start her second year of preschool. We spent many countless hours at activities from art classes, to choir, to soccer, football and dance. We have celebrated the yearly holidays with many fun adventures. We also had many outings together such as the Winterpalooza, Frozen on Ice, the air force airshow, the lantern fest, Faith's first professional ballet, camping and spending a week long stay-cation together at our Snowbird timeshare.
Pets: Our beloved pug, Sophie, has spent another of her 14 1/2 years with us for which we are grateful to still have her, we acquired a hamster in January who we loved fiercely for several months and also welcomed a new cat into our home, our beloved Marble.
Trips: We took a family trip to Chicago and Omaha to watch Mike's sister get married. Mike and I then enjoyed a trip together to Portland and the OR coast as well as a small Park City get away. I was also able to take some solo trips, one to Vegas to play with a friend and go to a concert with my sister and another to Arizona to play with a life long friend in Sedona.
Friends: This year we've been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with friends new and old. We hosted a Superbowl party, a 4th of July BBQ, a swimming party at the time share, a football team party and a fun dinner and game night. We've been able to attend more of our friends parties and get-togethers as well. I've also been able to get out to several more paint nites, concerts and dinners.
Thank you old friends and family for always taking the time for us and for showing us continued love. Thank you new friends for opening up your hearts and homes and allowing us in. Even in a year like 2016. which has been plagued with many tragedies, we have been able to make the most of it with you all by our sides. Color us eternally thankful for all of you!
Happy New Year's to you!