Friday, August 27, 2010

Buzzed and Lit Up

The twins are getting big enough now that they are wanting to be with big brother all the time and want to do what big brother does and have what big brother has. For example, when I went to cut Caleb's hair the day before school started in his requested buzz, Zaric climbed right up in the chair after him and proudly declared "me too." How could I resist? It was sad for me, being the Mom that I am, but I obliged. Afterwards it was a little more reluctant Zaden's turn, but I have to say they do look adorable.

Example #2. When I took Caleb shopping for some new school shoes, the twins were so taken and excited by the light up Sketchers he picked out that I tried some on them. I almost didn't make it out of the store when I had to take them back off. They were so upset. But I searched high and low and found a deal for them on the Internet and viola, they all 3 now have matching Sketchers.When they noticed Caleb had his on this morning, they were pretty fit to be tied until Mom got theirs out too and they have been happily lighting up the house all day long. They even napped in them.
Aren't they adorable?

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