Saturday, December 17, 2016

December Dance!

Faith had her first official dance performance of the 16-17 dance season.  She started off the day with her first ever cheer-leading performance.  She was a little nervous, but totally rocked it out.

One of the girls was absent, so Faith was unable to do the last stunt.  She was pretty disappointed in the ending, but otherwise please with her performance.  Just picture her at the top of the tall pyramid in the back there at the end.

And then it was time to transform her into a fish for her Too Many Fish in the Sea dance.

Which of course, she rocked that out too!

And after a quick lunch break, she became a pirate. 
Yo Ho, Yo Ho a Pirates Life for Me! 

She did such a great job for the first time they've ever performed these numbers on stage. Can't wait to see them when they are even more practiced during competition season.  Way to go my little sassy dancer! 

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