Monday, February 22, 2010
Weekend Simple Pleasures
*Glitter toes and some new hair bling with the girls on Saturday
*Taking Mike to my new favorite burger joint and having him love it as well
*Zaden getting super excited while shopping when he figured out that his finger does indeed fit inside one of his nostrils and going through the whole store with him sticking it in and taking it out of his nose and smiling like he was the proudest boy in the world. Then showing his new skill to Grandma Braska while Skyping later that day
*Buying some new totes to organize the play area, devoting one of them to just balls and having Zaric climb into it and throw each and every ball back out on the floor. He did this multiple times after I cleaned them back up
*Watching reading really start to pick up with Caleb and watching him try to read things while we are out and about
*Going furniture shopping with the kids and while walking around with the salesman have Caleb telling him very loudly on some bunk beds "That's a high high price!"
*Planning a little more of the twins 2nd birthday party for April. Cowboy theme this year
*Having Caleb think he's a grown up and telling me, "well there's nothing I can do about that" when I was complaining about something.
I am sure there are others, but I'll save those for another post. What were your simple pleasures from the weekend?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Mandy Update #2
Monday, February 08, 2010
Superbowl Sunday
Cupid Came Early
Noah's Iceskating
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Pee Wee
Friday, February 05, 2010
Mandy Update

I got to go up to the hospital last night and see Mandy. She is doing better and continuing on the path to recovery. They have removed the treach and the ventilator and she just has oxygen flowing through her nose now. She is responding to questions with a thumbs up or thumbs down which is a good sign neurologically. She was awake for part of my visit and I got to talk to her a little. From what I hear she has been trying to climb herself out of bed several times and is unhappy about them asking her to use the bathroom in a pullup versus going to the potty. Again all very good signs. They are trying to assess her pain level right now before they remove the neck brace.
She still has a ways to go but I am very happy about the progress. Way to be a fighter Mandy!
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Vacation Plans

You'll remember in a previous post that I was suffering from a case of vacation fever. I am happy to say that has passed because we have made some plans. While we were discussing our ideas and possible Disney trip. We had concerns of taking the babies there with them being so young and would it really be worth it if they won't even remember it? I jokingly said to Mike "How about we have your Mom fly out and stay with the boys and you and I just go to Hawaii for a week?" I never in a million years thought he would agree. But his response was "sounds good to me, why not?" And so I thought about it and he's right, "why not?" It's something we've always talked about but never gave it a definite answer of when. It was always just "someday".
We called Grandma Braska and got her on board. And started looking at rates and found some that fit the budget we had in our heads for Disney. So this fall we are going to Hawaii! Our plane tickets and hotel rooms with an ocean view are booked. We'll be deciding on activities as we go. We are staying the entire time in Oahu, however I've been looking at some inter island flights to do a day trip to Maui as well. I am so excited!
And not to worry, we did think about the kids too and made some definite plans for future trips. Next year will be our Seattle trip that was postponed this year, and then Disneyland in 2012! Caleb will be 8 by then and the twins will be 4 so it seems like a more reasonable time. So assuming everything is going well at that time, it's on! No more excuses. So anyone interested in a little Disney 2012 trip, let us know and we'll plan together!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Grizz Game
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
My brother and his crew arrived a little later and jumped on in. However,there were a lot of people in the pool and it was very loud. We somehow we lost track of his girlfriend's 5 year old daughter ,Amanda, and she had a terrible accident. The next thing we knew a woman had pulled her from the water and they were doing CPR on her little body. It was such a tragic and terrifying accident. None of us saw what happened and none of us could do a thing to help, we just stood there helpless while help arrived and she was lift-flighted to Primary Children's Hospital.
She has been in a drug induced comma since Friday night due to many things going on caused by the accident. They are working right now at slowly taking her off her ventilator to see how she does breathing on her own and will wake her up when they feel it's safe and assess more things that could possibly be wrong.
We are all pretty shaken by this accident and are keeping her in our thoughts and prayers while we do what we need to do in our own everyday lives. Please cross your fingers for Amanda and her family. We are all rooting for a full recovery. I will keep you posted as I know more.