Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! We hope that you have been having a great day with your sweethearts. We have been having a pretty good heart-themed day spent at home here. We started off with our traditional pink heart-shaped pancakes.

Then of course the Mom had gotten a little gift for each of the kids. Both of the twins got these Mr. Potato Head Sweetheart Spuds. They were too cute to leave at the store. He makes a little cupid and in his hands he's holding a Valentine that says "Cutie Fry".
The boys liked them. Of course they like anything they can demolish. Zaric didn't take long to figure out that throwing it was the fastest way to get it to come apart. Zaden spent more time examining his.

And Caleb got the over the door Utes basketball hoop that he'd been eye-balling in the store. He is pretty excited about it.

After breakfast and gifts Mom blew up a bunch of Valentines balloons and just let the boys play away.

And then later in the afternoon it was getting a little bright in the house, so they all needed some cool Valentine's Day shades.

We currently have our other tradition (a heart shaped pizza) cooking in the oven for dinner. What a great day!

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