Sunday, April 01, 2012

Pirate Paaaaaaarty

The twins will be 4 this Wednesday! We kicked off the celebration by throwing them a pirate-themed party yesterday here at the house. They are super into dressing up and into pirates these days so it was perfect. They were most excited for Pirate Cake though and have been asking for it for weeks.
We started off by having the kids do a little treasure hunt with clues I made up. At each checkpoint, they got one piece of their pirate attire.
Step 1 : Eye patches and earrings
Step 2: Hats
Step 3: Flags
Step 4: Hooks
Step 5: Swords
and the last step led them into the garage where I had our antique steamer trunk set up as a pirate chest inside were their loot bags. In the loot bags they each got a couple of necklaces, a toy telescope, chocolate coins, toy coins, a toy pirate and a pirate eraser.

After the hunt we did present time where they each got leap pads and games, some pirate dress up costumes, some movies, Ninjago lego's, some water canteens for camping, some toy instruments, headphones and some spiffy new cowboy boots from Papa.

Then it was finally time for cake. They both took turns blowing out their candles which was nice and we had cake and ice cream.

It was such a beautiful day that we just then unleashed the kids and let them run outside and play on the trampoline and swingset and the twins pirate play tent we had set up out there as one of the checkpoints for the hunt.

It was a short, but nice little party. Thanks to everyone that came to help us celebrate. They loved it and are still playing pirates this morning and playing with all their new goodies. Below is a slideshow of some of the fun pics.

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