Friday, May 25, 2012

1 Week!

The countdown is still in full swing and we are officially down to 1 week until show-time. Our calendars are filling up fast and the to-do list is getting bigger by the minute. We are all getting excited and anxious for our big road trip.

We spent a few minutes yesterday making our own autograph books in hopes of scoring some character autographs while at the park (and to save us a bunch of money from having to buy three of them there). The twins both wanted Toy Story of course (I simply used some wrapping paper to cover the front of a $1.79 notebook and 99 cent alphabet stickers) and Caleb wanted to decorate his own. After going around and around the sticker section, he finally settled on some Phineas and Ferb.

We can't wait! Now....back to that to-do list.

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