Monday, July 27, 2009

Home Again

Our last couple of days in Omaha were pretty laid back. Aunt Peg, Kari and I went to do some shopping on Saturday while Mike and the boys played at Grandma Braska's house. That evening we finally made it to see Uncle Bill as well, it was good to go visit him. I lost Zaric that morning while getting ready and when I located him, this is what I found. I think he was ready to go home.

Our last night and family dinner time, I finally got Sam to play with me. He gave me weird looks most of the time. Maybe it was me or maybe it was the pink hair. I don't know but at least we finally had a little break thru.
We attempted to take some group photo's with the grandparents. Getting everyone to look at the camera at the same time and stop goofing off proved almost impossible.

We did manage a couple good ones in there. On Sunday we just packed up and hung out at Sue's while we waited for flight time and people stopped by to give us a warm send off. It was a nice visit overall.

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