Monday, August 08, 2011

Hold Out

I'm happy to report that (at least for a minute) little girl is holding out and staying put. As of this morning's Dr. Appt there was no change. We still don't know how much longer this can hold, but that restored our confidence a little. We asked the Dr what he thought time- wise and he really couldn't say. He told us not to have her this week since he's out of town the rest of the week and he'd really like to be there. We replied with "yeah next week is better for our schedule too." He said with a patient like me it could be tomorrow, days or maybe even another week before we see a change. So our next goal is 1 more week (35 weeks). We go back again next Monday to check again. It was a short, sweet and happy appt. He mentioned possibly making it to even 36 weeks, but for now that seems a little too far out (for us and him) so we'll stick with the 35 weeks. The contractions are still there but so far less again so that's helping us keep our sanity up and our paranoia down a little.
I don't know why I ever doubted (if even for a few days) this little girls name. Really given all of the ups and downs of this pregnancy, every time we seem lose our Faith in things she does something to surprise us and remind us what having Faith is all about. So yeah, I guess that's my way of saying we are sticking with it. Still fighting over the middle name/names issue. But we'll figure it out eventually. Hopefully she gives us a little more time to think about it.

In other updates: The boys loved their camping trip and came home dirty and tired- a sure sign of a good time. They've already been asking to see Papa again and Zaden tells me, "fun at camping." I'm glad they had a good time.
The rest of our weekend was really mellow (in an effort to stay down) here with no boys. We watched a couple movies, I kicked Mike's butt at Monopoly on the Wii and we just hung out and did laundry. We did make it grocery shopping and picked up some gifts for baby girl to give the boys when she arrives. Otherwise, we just enjoyed the silence and found ourselves completely bored a few times with no boys to keep us busy. Today I'm not sure if I am loving or hating the chaos being being back in the house. I think it's mostly love, but they are driving me a little crazy already. I sure miss them when they are gone though. So yeah, let's go with love.

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