Friday, July 24, 2015

A Broken Visitor

The morning after returning from the wedding, Mike went to take something to the basement and called up to me , "Becca, we have a problem down here." I went to help him take a look and he had found this guy (or girl) helplessly flapping around in our window well. It was pretty clear that it had somehow hurt it's wing and wasn't going to get out on it's own.
We began by calling animal control who directed us to call the aviary to see if they could take it. When that didn't pan out, we were directed to a wildlife rehab in Ogden. We gave them a call and emailed a pic to them and were told this is a white-beaked Ibis. They are a non-profit organization and all of their funds go into rehabilitating wildlife such as this, so they were unable to pick it up but would gladly take it in if we were to bring it to them. After some discussion, we decided that we would take it in as none of the alternatives sat easily on our conscious. Mike climbed down there with it and got it safely in a pet carrier and he and Caleb drove the 2 hour round trip to deliver it.  The lady gave them some info and confirmed that in fact the wing was fractured. She did believe they would be able to save it though and get this little guy (or girl) back on it's way.  Hooray!

An interesting and unexpected Sunday adventure for us and there were good Samaritan points scored all around for the Ouren Family.

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