Friday, July 24, 2015

Summer Soccer Season End

The summer soccer season has come to an end for these two players.

Faith had a great time running around the field at each game and learning at least a little bit as far as soccer terms and such goes. She would always do great in practice but would get intimidated by the other team when it came right down to playing and trying to get the ball from them. But she was happy as can be most of the time and you can't beat that. I snapped this pic which I've titled "game face" at the last game. Too funny.
Zaric's team had a pretty rough season in terms of wins and losses. A little heavy on the losses. However, both Mike and I were impressed at his improvement throughout the last 4 weeks and to make the end of soccer even sweeter, Zaric scored his second goal of the season the night of the last game.  And it just so happened, that was the only goal his team scored that night. He was pretty proud of himself and ran around telling everyone, even the coach and parents on the other team about it. Unfortunately Dad was traveling for work and missed it, but Zaric stayed up late that night to tell him all about it when he got home.  What a stud-muffin.  I made him pose for a proud-moment pic for Mom after his game.
Way to go Faith and Zaric!  I see many more soccer seasons in our near future.

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