Thursday, July 09, 2009

Spontaneous Swim

Yesterday afternoon we were searching for Caleb's 2nd swimsuit when we dug ours out. I decided it would be a good time to try it on since we are hoping to use it in Omaha soon. Once I tried it on, I decided I felt like going swimming. It didn't take much to convince the boys and off our little family went. Caleb was a total fish. He loved it and played and played. Even played a lot by himself without having to have Mom or Dad right there. His favorite thing was this slide. He must have went down it at least 20 times.

And here he is having fun at some other parts. He went out to the deeper water a couple of times with Mom and is really looking forward to getting back to swim lessons hopefully this fall. We have been too busy lately to keep going.

The babies liked it only for a few minutes then they got cold so Dad wrapped them up and waded in the water for a while.

They were happy crawling around the sidewalks and showing off their stylin SpongeBob Squarepants suits that Papa and Grandma bought them.

During one of the required breaks Caleb was sitting on the lawn and their were a couple seagulls that kept flying over us. He wanted one to land on his arm so here he is doing his best seagull call.

And here's Mr. Sexy. Sorry ladies....this skinny, white boy is taken :).

1 comment:

Michael Ouren said...

Hey, wait a minute, that doesn't look anything like my icon??