Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Water Works

A little story about our visit the the Dr. today. All 3 boys had appointments. The twins had their 18 month Well Check and Caleb hasn't been feeling well (turns out tonsillitis) so I called to get him squeezed in as well. Mike met us there to help out and we got called back so him and Dr. Joe could razz each other a little (old co-workers) as always and everything was going well. He was checking out Caleb up on the exam table and the boys were wondering around the room when Zaden climbed up on a chair and was playing with the handle the the faucet in the sink. No biggie.
Turns out it was a big, big, big....biggie. Somehow (before us) the faucet itself had gotten loosened. So when Zaden was able to turn on the handle to full blast water the entire thing shot off and water started spraying oh just everywhere! I quickly grabbed screaming wet boys who were now frightened. Mike grabbed the faucet and was trying to replace it while I was yelling "turn off the water!" . Dr. Joe rushed over to help and we got the water off and replaced the faucet and then had a good chuckle while we cleaned it up using up almost all of the paper towels in the room.
Dr. Joe has a great sense of humor and even laughed that his pants then looked like he had wet himself. Making manly jokes about the position of the water on his pants. We got it cleaned up and think we managed to ruin all of the magazines in the room. We fanned out the books in hopes that those pages would dry and spent the rest of the visit making jokes about the incident and heard him telling the nurses about it in the hallway when he went to grab something. He kept telling us that in all of his 25 or so years of being a Pediatrician that was for sure a first for him. Just leave it to the Ouren boys!


Michael Ouren said...

Turns out I needed the bath anyways, so it all worked out in the end.