Thursday, April 01, 2010


One word to sum up today: Colorful. This morning we woke up to a fresh blanket of White Snow. I had the day off since our sitter is out of town and had some things planned like family photo's. However, since they were supposed to be outside they were canceled due to the above said white! So I planned a trip to Lehi anyway to deliver a Birthday present to a friend's boy who's Birthday is tomorrow and we had to miss his party yesterday while I was working. Well they too had presents to deliver to the twins since they have to miss our party. So we decided instead to meet in the middle and have lunch together. We decided to go with a simple IHOP trip and met up and exchanged gifts. The waitress noticed that it was all of their Bdays and gave all of the kids balloons. We ended up with an Orange and 2 Yellow ones. Then after our meal they brought out dessert for all 5 kids and sang to us. Bonus!

After lunch we headed back home and were met with loads of mail containing cards for the twins Bday. We didn't open them all but the couple that we did were filled with some Green cash for the twins to spend (Thanks Bert and Sam). And also a big package from Grandma Braska. Normally her packages of gifts contain very nicely wrapped gifts inside so I thought nothing of opening the box and getting out the gifts to save for the party. To my surprise they were unwrapped because she had made them their own Colorful stuffed hippos to pack around. Ooops! early Bday presents it is! Mike and I each have one from her and they love them so they were excited. They packed them around a bit and then also tried to ride them like horses.
Well since our family pictures were canceled and by now we had received a phone call letting us know that baseball practice was cancelled (thanks again White), Dad came home, so we started up the egg dying ahead of schedule. I think the pictures speak for themselves of all of the Multi-colored fun we had.

I don't know if the eggs or the kids or mine and Mike's hands won the most Colorful. Let's just say we were all recipients (willing or not) of some unnatural hand colors.
I'm not sure if this day will hold any more colors for us, but after a day like today who could be Blue about that?


jfm said...

Fun post, great pics, awesome colors (except the white!)

Emily said...

Cute hippos :) I am going to go color me some eggs!! Oh, and sorry your pictures had to be cancelled.