Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dual Immersion

We got a call from the school district early last week notifying us that they were still accepting applications for Dual Immersion programs in our district. Huh? We didn't even know they offered them in our district. So I got online and checked it out. Apparently there was a parents meeting in December and apps were due in Feb. Oops! So I called around to a couple of the "select schools" to get a sense of what was going on. They both told me to fill out the application and we would be put on a waiting list. So the boys and I drove around on Friday and dropped off 2 applications, one to a Spanish program and one to a Chinese program. Caleb said he was excited for both but a little nervous to leave his friends which is totally natural. He told me he liked the school that taught Spanish, but after we left the school that taught Chinese he was all smiles and frankly I felt more comfortable there as well. So I was crossing my fingers for that program. Great news! We got a call today and they can get him into either program and asked which I prefer. He will be going to the Chinese program at the school we both liked. This will mean quite the drive for us every day back and forth but I think it will be beneficial for him to be taught in 2 languages. What a thrill and something they definitely didn't offer "back in my day".
Here's a link to some info on the program

I will be filling out more paperwork this week for him but we are excited. When I told him he got in he gave me the thumbs up and told me he was excited but said "Cool and maybe on Thursdays they'll teach Spanish". lol Yes Caleb, maybe they will. ;)

1 comment:

jfm said...

I think you will find that the benefits of a second language out weigh the added drive time. If you get time to volunteer you might pick some up too....I learned 1st grade Spanish that way :)