Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rough Day

Caleb had such a rough day yesterday at Baseball. While he was warming up, he took a ball right to his face which split his lip and fattened it up. He looked pretty sad when I showed up at the field a little after them, but he decided that he wanted to play. Then while batting he got hit by the ball in mid swing not once, but twice on the same hand! After that he was pretty upset and his poor little hand sporting a nice bruise. He didn't want to play anymore for a while but we stayed to finish watching the game and cheering his team on. He decided the last inning to go back in and played well and was even brave enough to get back up to bat. He struck out, but at least he didn't get hit again. They ended up losing 10-9 but I was still pretty proud of my tough little man. He's growing up so fast.

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