Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Falls with Friends
I had a Dr. appt scheduled in Pleasant Grove yesterday and my mom and sister were nice enough to come meet me for it and watch the boys so we decided to make an afternoon of it and since I had wanted to take the boys back to Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon we chose to meet there before to let the kids play together. It was a beautiful day until everyone arrived and then the storm clouds rolled in and it started raining on us. But we made the most of the chillier weather and still grilled some burgers and dogs in the park and let the kids play in the water at the bottom of the falls a bit. It was a little disappointing for it to be so dark and gloomy but I think they still had at least a little fun. And the babies were thrilled that Taylor was there to follow around pick on. Enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pioneer Day at Wheeler Farm
We love Pioneer Day here in Utah. Mostly because that means that Dad has an extra day off with us. We haven't done a whole lot this weekend to celebrate but we did decide that a nice tribute to Pioneer Day would be to take a trip to Wheeler Farm to let the boys look around. It was a quick outing but I think we had a good time. Zaden loved the ducks, Zaric loved the tractors and Caleb loved just about everything I think. The rest of the day was spent lounging at home in the air conditioning. A much needed break for all of us. Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Random Me
I've done this before somewhere else but had seen this on a few blogs and thought it might be fun. Here's 25 random things about me. Try it! It's harder than it sounds.
1. My sister referred me to as Hannah for several years of my life. Still does sometimes.
2. I'm a closet Michael Bolton fan
3. I hate the feel of paper sucker sticks and won't touch them they have to be covered by the sucker wrapper.
4. I used to have a horse named Katie
5. My first car was a blue Mitsubishi Eclipse named Betsy
6. I would like to visit the state of Maine someday. No real reason why.
7. I once got stood up on a date. To tell me he was sorry, he brought me a baby goat (don't ask). I named her Daisy.
8. I someday would like to have a bathroom with a black toilet.
9. In said bathroom, I would also like a claw footed tub.
10. I could watch American Pickers and Pawn Stars for hours and I sometimes do.
11. I am obsessed with TV shows about cakes: Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes, Ultimate Food Challenge Cakes, etc.
12. I wish Pepsi was a health food, I would be so skinny right now.
13. I like to color.
14. I am a planner and a worrier
15. I once wanted a pet iguana and got one. He was the meanest thing around. I still hate him.
16. I have never traveled outside of the U.S. ....someday I will
17. I have never swam in the ocean but plan to rectify that in Hawaii in September
18. I wish the weather was nice enough in Utah to wear flip flops all year round
19. I can never decide whether I want my hair long or short and go back and forth a lot. Right now I am growing it out again after 2 years of it being short
20. The sound of people purposely cracking their knuckles, necks, backs etc. has the same effect on me as nails on a chalkboard.
21. I wish I still knew how to do cartwheels and other gymnastics and could bend like I used to
22. I despised the subject of history in school. Now I eat it up and wish I would have paid more attention to it back then.
23. I am not a big fan of milk and will only drink it with certain dinners
24. I am afraid of humming birds.
25. I like to sing a lot and loudly even though I can't carry a tune at all. It's scary really. Ask Mike, he'll tell you.
1. My sister referred me to as Hannah for several years of my life. Still does sometimes.
2. I'm a closet Michael Bolton fan
3. I hate the feel of paper sucker sticks and won't touch them they have to be covered by the sucker wrapper.
4. I used to have a horse named Katie
5. My first car was a blue Mitsubishi Eclipse named Betsy
6. I would like to visit the state of Maine someday. No real reason why.
7. I once got stood up on a date. To tell me he was sorry, he brought me a baby goat (don't ask). I named her Daisy.
8. I someday would like to have a bathroom with a black toilet.
9. In said bathroom, I would also like a claw footed tub.
10. I could watch American Pickers and Pawn Stars for hours and I sometimes do.
11. I am obsessed with TV shows about cakes: Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes, Ultimate Food Challenge Cakes, etc.
12. I wish Pepsi was a health food, I would be so skinny right now.
13. I like to color.
14. I am a planner and a worrier
15. I once wanted a pet iguana and got one. He was the meanest thing around. I still hate him.
16. I have never traveled outside of the U.S. ....someday I will
17. I have never swam in the ocean but plan to rectify that in Hawaii in September
18. I wish the weather was nice enough in Utah to wear flip flops all year round
19. I can never decide whether I want my hair long or short and go back and forth a lot. Right now I am growing it out again after 2 years of it being short
20. The sound of people purposely cracking their knuckles, necks, backs etc. has the same effect on me as nails on a chalkboard.
21. I wish I still knew how to do cartwheels and other gymnastics and could bend like I used to
22. I despised the subject of history in school. Now I eat it up and wish I would have paid more attention to it back then.
23. I am not a big fan of milk and will only drink it with certain dinners
24. I am afraid of humming birds.
25. I like to sing a lot and loudly even though I can't carry a tune at all. It's scary really. Ask Mike, he'll tell you.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
For the Love of Moosehorn
If there is at least one camping trip that even Mike likes every year it's when we go to Moosehorn Lake. This year we headed out on Friday afternoon and had booked it early enough that we got one of our favorite sites right on the lake. We had some mishaps along the way and while getting set up. But once things settled down and we were able to bask in the scenery, all was right with the world.

I got to take a few minutes for me and go sit by the lake and read my book when another camper came over and told me a momma moose and baby had just shown up across the lake. When I headed to get the camera, I let the boys know and they came down to take a look.

And here they are across the lake from our campsite.

I decided to walk around the lake and get a little closer fully expecting them to be gone by the time I got there, but to my surprise they laid down in the grass and let me get up to about 50 yards away. I sat on a rock for about 30 minutes and just took picture after picture. She did stare at me a couple times just to let me know that she did know I was there but never got any more aggressive than that. It was awesome!

We had to run back down the canyon yesterday to get something and on our way back to camp we stopped on bald mountain and let the boys out to climb rocks and explore. This is Caleb when he got to the top of the first set of rocks, he proclaimed himself, "King of the Orphans. " LOL.

Zaric and Zaden were liking the rocks too. I kept referring to them as "Momma's Mountain Goats". They didn't mind.

And back at camp we had a good time just sitting by the lake and letting the boys throw in rocks and pine cones. They thought that was heaven.

Mike had collected some firewood and spent some time chopping it with the axe. So under Daddy's supervision, the twins had to be big boys and try it out themselves with the hatchet. Little lumberjacks in the making. I love that Zaden thought it was such a big job he brought along his sippy cup :).

Now the bad part. We found out that Zaric has some bad reaction to mosquito bites. There are always tons there since it is right on the lake and we had sprayed them down with spray but he still managed to get several bites and his whole face started swelling up. When one of his eyes started looking like Quasimodo and looking like it would swell shut we decided since I had no children's Benedryl with us to pack up after dinner yesterday and head home one night early. We stopped when we got to Kamas and picked up some meds and gave him a good bath when we got home. The camera couldn't quite catch the swelling but you can see his right eye (the left side of pic) in the pic juts out on the side there.
It was disappointing for all of us to have to leave early but I am happy to report that the Benedryl worked and this morning he looks a lot better. I was starting to think that maybe we would fore go that trip next year to avoid him swelling up again, but after looking at these pictures, our love of the place is renewed and lesson learned. Next time, pack the Benedryl!
And here they are across the lake from our campsite.
I decided to walk around the lake and get a little closer fully expecting them to be gone by the time I got there, but to my surprise they laid down in the grass and let me get up to about 50 yards away. I sat on a rock for about 30 minutes and just took picture after picture. She did stare at me a couple times just to let me know that she did know I was there but never got any more aggressive than that. It was awesome!
Zaric and Zaden were liking the rocks too. I kept referring to them as "Momma's Mountain Goats". They didn't mind.
Mike had collected some firewood and spent some time chopping it with the axe. So under Daddy's supervision, the twins had to be big boys and try it out themselves with the hatchet. Little lumberjacks in the making. I love that Zaden thought it was such a big job he brought along his sippy cup :).
Now the bad part. We found out that Zaric has some bad reaction to mosquito bites. There are always tons there since it is right on the lake and we had sprayed them down with spray but he still managed to get several bites and his whole face started swelling up. When one of his eyes started looking like Quasimodo and looking like it would swell shut we decided since I had no children's Benedryl with us to pack up after dinner yesterday and head home one night early. We stopped when we got to Kamas and picked up some meds and gave him a good bath when we got home. The camera couldn't quite catch the swelling but you can see his right eye (the left side of pic) in the pic juts out on the side there.
Anyone up for camping with us at Moosehorn next year?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Yard Sale
This weekend we held a combined yard sale in Price at my Dad's house. I am happy to report that we made over $400 to put toward our upcoming combined camping trip and we also got rid of a ton of junk as well. That always feels good. Plus, I had fun putting my nieces and nephews to work.
This is Leyton, we hooked up the karaoke machine we were selling and had him yell "Yard Sale" as cars were passing :).

Cashiering beauties were Schydi and DaNell (pictured).
Cashiering beauties were Schydi and DaNell (pictured).
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Happy Belated 4th of July! What a great weekend we had here. We celebrated almost every day. Mom made red and blue pancakes. We ate Mom's marshmallow treats, lit off fireworks in the driveway. BBQ'd burgers, went to the Bees game and watched the fireworks after and just enjoyed each others company as well as Dad getting to be home an extra day on Monday. We hope yours was just as great. Love, The Ouren Boys.

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