And here they are across the lake from our campsite.
I decided to walk around the lake and get a little closer fully expecting them to be gone by the time I got there, but to my surprise they laid down in the grass and let me get up to about 50 yards away. I sat on a rock for about 30 minutes and just took picture after picture. She did stare at me a couple times just to let me know that she did know I was there but never got any more aggressive than that. It was awesome!
Zaric and Zaden were liking the rocks too. I kept referring to them as "Momma's Mountain Goats". They didn't mind.
Mike had collected some firewood and spent some time chopping it with the axe. So under Daddy's supervision, the twins had to be big boys and try it out themselves with the hatchet. Little lumberjacks in the making. I love that Zaden thought it was such a big job he brought along his sippy cup :).
Now the bad part. We found out that Zaric has some bad reaction to mosquito bites. There are always tons there since it is right on the lake and we had sprayed them down with spray but he still managed to get several bites and his whole face started swelling up. When one of his eyes started looking like Quasimodo and looking like it would swell shut we decided since I had no children's Benedryl with us to pack up after dinner yesterday and head home one night early. We stopped when we got to Kamas and picked up some meds and gave him a good bath when we got home. The camera couldn't quite catch the swelling but you can see his right eye (the left side of pic) in the pic juts out on the side there.
Anyone up for camping with us at Moosehorn next year?
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