Sunday, November 29, 2015

Christopher the Trickster Elf and his To-Do List

I told the kids that I wasn't going to let their elf, Christopher, in this year when he came. But that little snot tricked us! When C went to pick up our mail from the weekend, we found out that he had disguised his entrance and mailed himself to us in a package from Santa.

Inside the box was a letter with a little to do list for us for the day:

Step 1: Use the form letters he brought with him to write our official wish lists to Santa to mail-

Step 2: Put up the tree and deck the Halls.- Check!

Step 3: Open up the suitcase he brought along and look at the contents- A few funny shirts he brought along to wear this year, along with a gift card to Target to go pick out some new ornaments for the year.  So, Check! Into the car we went for a quick jaunt to Target.

What a silly elf. Time to start the traditional game of hide and seek now that our elf "to do" list is complete.  Let the holidays begin!

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