Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Zebra Pool/Cookie Day

While we were grocery shopping over the weekend, this little pool ended up in the cart. The weather finally got nice enough yesterday to blow it up. We were just checking it out in the front yard when Caleb went for the swimsuit. We weren't sure what the babes would think so we let them explore and go at their own pace. Before we knew it though, they were jumping in, clothing and all.

We moved it to the backyard today on the deck and refilled it. When the sun warmed up the water a little they were all back out there having some fun. Here's a couple of pictures of Caleb enjoying the water.

And here's the babies fully clothed last night checking it all out. The pug was in for a minute too.

And me helping Zaden on the slide. They both really like being helped down the slide and into the water.

And Zaric having fun both yesterday and today.

Caleb and I also thought it would be a nice day to make some sugar cookies. So we got out many different cutters: flowers, stars, dinosaurs, animals and went for it. I did most of it (of course) Caleb mostly helped by telling me which ones to use and sneaking raw cookie dough. When it came time for frosting, I decided to do the lazy man's way and did a quick drizzle frosting and multi colored sprinkles. Caleb helped with the sprinkles.

All in all a nice summer day.

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