Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Caleb!!!!

My little boy turns 5 today!!!!! My how time flies when you're having fun. Today he is taking goodies to preschool then we are doing something fun together later. The Spiderman party isn't until Sunday. We'll be posting more pictures after that one. Here's a few birthday parties over the years to Celebrate today!

Caleb's First Birthday after his own smash cake. He enjoyed it as you can tell. We didn't even have time to put a bib on him. This was a construction truck themed party.
Birthday #2. A "The Dog" themed party. The balloons were a favorite at this party.

A Clifford Themed party for birthday #3

And last year was a Go Diego Go party for #4. As you can tell, we like our parties.
Here's to another fun year! I love you Buggie!

1 comment:

Sarah W said...

Cute idea putting all of his past bday pics on here! He's so adorable! His t-rex turned out so cute! I've never been there before, but you've inspired me. It looks like he had an awesome bday! Why do our kids get so old so fast???