Thursday, February 26, 2009

Let Us Out!

We have had a rough 4 days at the Ouren household with being sick and being "stuck" in this house. The babes are crabby, the Mom is getting there. Caleb is completely OBNOXIOUS to everyone. He has been on one today have to be in people's faces and asking a million questions that he knows the answers to, climbing and laying all over me and doing things just to get yelled at. He got up this morning with just a titch of fever still. We debated back and forth and decided to keep him home one more day just for good measure. I made him rest most of the morning and it looks like his temp is staying down so hooray for that but he's obviously going crazy from being locked up these last 4 days. By noon I was regretting our decision to keep him home. He told me he thinks he'll be sick again tomorrow, but I think Mom will be more sick (mentally) if I keep him home. So if his fever is still down, he's going! Maybe I can send him to both sessions tomorrow :).
Here's hoping for a nice weekend so he can get out and run a bit. The babies are also wanting to get out of here. I opened the back door for a bit for some fresh air and they were liking that idea. Maybe we can make it to a park or something to get out. Wish us luck and sanity to make it through tomorrow.

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