Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Summons

Caleb has managed to again summon the Tooth Fairy from her hibernation. Tonight Caleb and I were having a race to get on our pj's and were chasing each other around when I saw something drop from his mouth and heard him say "uh oh". I asked him what that was when he bent over to pick it up and he said "oh just a tooth from my bottom." What? All I could do was stand there with my mouth open and muster up the energy to yell "Mike" and tell him. I asked Caleb if it was loose and he said yes that he had just been moving it back and forth with his fingers. I wish he would have mentioned it to us, we were both shocked and total taken by surprise on this one. For a moment he thought he was in trouble because Mike and I couldn't gather our thoughts quick enough. Once we settled down, we explained to him that he wasn't in trouble and we were just surprised, so he is a happy camper tonight. We got back out the tooth pillow and put in the tooth and all is well as he anxiously awaits the Tooth Fairy's visit tonight.

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