Friday, March 06, 2009

First Timers!

Well Mike and I took the opportunity to wear our "first-timer parent" badges on our sleeves today at Kindergarten registration. This all started in Jan. when I called the closest elementary to us and asked when Kindergarten registration was. They told me March 6th and hung up the phone. Well ok, so last week I called again and asked what to bring, they gave me a list of things to include my child for testing. Mike took the morning off to help out and be a part of the "experience" and we set off for a 9 o'clock start time.
The elementary is just a few blocks away from us and convenient as can be. Well we got there a few min early waited in line with a bunch of other parents and when it came to our turn, I proudly walked in the office with Caleb and handed over my documentation. I was here at Kindergarten registration with my first son! The lady looked over our stuff and pulled out a map only to tell me that WE WERE AT THE WRONG SCHOOL! Oh no! She let me know which school we needed to be at and that she thought they did open enrollment there but wasn't sure so encouraged us just to head up there.
So off we headed, my "Smart Mom" ego a little bruised, to the next elementary up the street. This school is almost 20 blocks away from us. It really makes no sense! The lady at the first one told us that our neighborhood is one of the older ones and when they re-drew the district lines a while back there is like a 4 block radius, right where our house resides, that got put in the further away school. FANTASTIC!
Well we made it to the school and there was no wait, no lines and a very nice receptionist who gladly handed over the paperwork and we took care of it. She was really sweet, so we are happy about that. And to top it off, they don't even do testing until the first week of school so there was really no need for Caleb to even be there. The next surprise.......this one is a year round school! The first one we went to, was not. So we weren't prepared for that little nugget of info. They made us pick our choices for what "track" we wanted him to be on as a "first choice." How should we know? We haven't done this before. So we just threw a couple on there and we'll see what happens. We should find out in May which track he is on and who his teacher is and get to attend an orientation where they get to see the school and meet the teachers. That should be good for us all.
An interesting start to our elementary school experience. Looking forward to our fall adventures!

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