Monday, March 30, 2009

Birthday Week Begins

Another sign that the babies are truly turning 1 this Saturday. We began receiving gifts in the mail last week. First we got a package from Great Aunt Sue which we haven't opened yet. Then we got a card from Roberta and Sam in Omaha with a Target giftcard inside. So Birthday week has officially kicked off. When we went to a friends house in Lehi last night to get my hair done, they gave the boys these cute sock monkey pj's. I'd had my eye on them at Christmas time and actually bought some on clearance but in a much bigger size so I was excited that she found some their size I can't wait to see them in it.

Today we got a package in the mail from my dear friend Shelby and her family in Arizona. I let the boys go ahead and open them. It was some much needed practice and excitement for the party on Saturday. The package was making all sorts of noise when I picked it up, probably gave the mailman a little fright. So I couldn't wait to see just what was in there.

Inside were these fun shake and go cars. One is an ape and the other one is an elephant. We are having fun zooming them all over the floor they like to watch Caleb shake them up and make them go.

I can't believe it's really here, just 5 more days away! This is going to be a fun week of getting packages and gearing up for the party. Get ready for a picture bizarre!

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