Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jumping Bean

Yesterday Mike worked outside pretty much all day getting the trampoline ready for Caleb. He took the time to pull up some weeds and level out the dirt a little (which is nearly impossible in our yard) and then set up the trampoline frame by himself. I helped with the mat and it still took us forever. We will be putting the safety net up today. But look at this happy boy!!

Caleb has been sick again and had been up and down with a fever all day. That didn't stop him from jumping a little though. As you can tell in these 2 pics, he had to get on before Mike even got the bumper pads on.

Mike took him to the night clinic last night at the Dr office since he also has a lovely cough to go with the fever. They say it's just a cold so it should be done with in a day or two. We can live with that.
So this is the start of probably a ton of trampoline pictures this summer (beware). I can tell already that's it's going to be a good purchase!

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