Sunday, January 18, 2009

Walking With the Dinosaurs

If you haven't guessed yet, Caleb is a huge dinosaur nut. He wants to not just know their names but also know everything about them like what they ate and how big they were and what they weighed. We are always reading him info about them and he soaks it up. Well today Caleb got to use one of the presents that Santa had left in his stocking. Tickets to Walking With The Dinosaurs at the Energy Solutions Arena. We all loaded up in the car and off we went. Here is Caleb getting ready for the performance. We had to take Lightning the dinosaur with us and of course needed some popcorn, sprite and cotton candy.

They allowed us to take pictures but with no flash so we didn't get any really good ones but here's the Utah Raptor.

And Caleb's favorite dinosaur, Stegosaurus. When he came out Caleb yelled "that's my favorite dinosaur" I think he was loud enough for the 3 sections next to us to hear it.

And finally a short (very short) video. I don't think we were technically allowed to do this but who could resist when it was so awesome?

It was really fun and educational to boot. I really enjoyed the baby t-rex they had. I want one for a pet. But not when they got big, that wouldn't be good :).
For more professional info on the production, go here. Maybe you can catch a show in your area.

1 comment:

Sarah W said...

Oh my gosh! That looks like quite the production! How awesome! I'm sure he'll be talking about that for MONTHS! I'm sure the babies loved it too!